Harvey Mudd is classified as a small college. 700 Students. This means that you can potentially know everyone, and potentially everyone knows you. Of course, you can subvert the system by never leaving your room, but then usually your dorm/suite mates takes notice and try to contact, foiling your plot of anonymity.
Anyways, the advantage is you know everyone. One big giant happy family where it's familiar faces all around and since everyone lives on campus (OK, about 98% do all four years. We're guaranteed on-campus housing for all 4 years) you can walk down the hall and bug people about homework, life, or making a group to split a bill down at a restaurant down the street.
The disadvantage is you know everyone. Do something stupid, people will likely find out. Don't even try 6 degrees of separation, try 2, or maybe even 3 if you're a hermit, to everyone. And that's ignoring the lame degree of went to the same college, I'm talking about direct friendships / usual contact whether it be your groupie circle or through classes. So, if you want to slide with a B- and miss weeks of class, you'll have to try really hard. Some professors shoot their students e-mails asking where they've been if they miss class, and usually offering them homework and telling them to grab notes off someone.
Anyways, here's some pictures to illustrate:

My E80 group from Sophomore year. Well, you can't see Kacy's face, but you can see her hair at the bottom of the picture. Engineering Major here likes to do lots of team building, so often you do team projects. Like the whole class building a 6502 processor in VLSI. Yeah, trying to communicate between 14 students gets kinda hard.

People wanted to vacuum the lounge, so sofas got moved outside. It was also a nice sunny day and good breeze so very low smog in the air. The result? Outdoor lounge.

This is Jenny aka Alaska (because she lives in Alaska, duh). She's making LOL with her hands and face. What'd you expect? We're nerds. Although we're not all that crazy all the time. OK, so maybe we have a distribution of weirdness. The majority of students could blend in with the real world if they tried. We just enjoy being ourselves and messing around when we get the chance. And it doesn't matter how weird you are, you can always find someone weirder, so feel free to be crazy if you want.

People decided they needed to stack people on a couch. For some reason, not sure if it was intentional, the girls were on top. Yes, there are girls at this school. Freshman class had a whopping 42% females. Overall it's about 35% female for all the classes combined.
Unfortunately, Picasa is having issues publishing more pics, just like Skye, so I'll be back later with more. Maybe.
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