Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Warning: Contents Under Pressure

Contents known to combust and react in unpredictable manners.

VLSI is about 1 week behind schedule. We just started the giant project for High-Speed PCB Design. Thank goodness I'm not in Clinic.

Anyways, I guess I've always considered myself an introvert. However, under certain conditions, I do some crazy things.

First, let's define introvert. I'm not talking about hermit. I can in fact give a good presentation to a large audience and scream and holler at a concert. It's just given a choice, I tend to do things by myself such as read a book or fiddle with something. The second choice usually ends up in the realm of games, map making, music, and video production. But, I'm not a cloistered nerd with a gut who gets a monitor tan. Here's a fun article about being an introvert.

The certain conditions that I come out of this a kinda weird. First, there's leadership. I've found I can lead efficiently and effectively. Think of me as a reluctant leader. I'd rather step down and let someone else run the show, but if no one steps up I can do a pretty good job. Must be my sense of pride in my work or something. There's actually been times where I took over leadership because of the prior leader's incompetence, and times when I've handed over leadership to someone who actually wants it. Also, I don't have a problem with making remarks or giving out criticism. On the same token, I'm almost never offended by criticism. Unless the person's being a jerk. Then I'll just explain my methodology and hope they stop.

Secondly, there's pressure. Being under pressure tends to make most people be a little weird. There's stories of people becoming insane due to pressure. There's people who've risen to the occasion and became legends due to pressure. There's also those who get squashed by the pressure. Or explode due to lack of pressure. Hehe, lame nerd humor about vacuums. Anyways, I tend to be a bit funky. I'll typically rise to the occasion. Sometimes I'll hide and nurse a few episodes of Anime or something. Other times I start being really daft. Daft like Jack. Pirates of the Caribbean reference in case you missed it. Crazy weird plots and double facing and hiding motives until I come out on top. Well, in a competitive setting at least.

Thirdly, there's crazy time. You know, just when you want to let loose and bug out for a little bit. Usually this occurs during or right after huge amounts of pressure. This is when you go celebrate with food and drink, go out and frag some people on the internet, climb a tree, get into a sparring match with cardboard tubes. Well, I guess in East we would use Shinai and PVC covered in pipe insulation swords. Oh, and Nerf guns. But, that's all a little tangential. It's when you just want to relieve the pent up energy and stress and stuff.

So, that's me. Kinda. Sorta. Again, it's hard to get a hold of a person without meeting them and messing around. Just talking usually doesn't cut it in my book. We gotta have an altercation or something.

Speaking of altercations, Video Link.

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