First some current events. I got to see Watchmen last Friday. I was fairly impressed. Then again, that might be the sleep dep talking and my extremely short list of qualifications to be a movie critic.
It's actually been a really weird phenomenon concerning the Watchmen movie. It is very obvious they were trying to cater to both the Watchmen fanboys who know everything about everything in it, as well as the general populace who have no idea what is going on and the most "human" hero they have is Spiderman going emo. Ironically, every time I see a review people have to preface it with which category they belong to.
I happen to be neither. That is to say, I read the graphic novel, wasn't super impressed, but still thought it was a very high quality piece and understood it all. So, if there were plot holes or anything like that, I merely filled in the gaps. I was however extremely impressed by how much they managed to pack into the movie. They got all the major plotlines and subplots and character development in there. Not to mention the director has finally matured in his use of slow-mo during battle scenes. If you saw 300, you know sometimes the battles just start to take too long due to the slow-mo every time a bad guy gets hit. This time, it was much more tastefully done.
Overall, I'd say it was a pretty good movie and recommend people watch it. Just make sure you don't go in expecting Spiderman. This is a story of a messed up world. This is a look at the people behind the masks and not people with masks rising to fight the giant evil. In fact, a major point of the movie is questioning what is good or bad, or is it all just shades of gray in the end?
Oh, and the soundtrack was awesome. Some of the best music choices I've heard in a long time. The Sound of Silence for the funeral. The Times, They are a Changin' for the intro sequence. So awesome. Not much to rave about on the new music composed for the movie itself. =[
I'm prepping up for the 24Hr Crack party this weekend. For my newer readers, it's a gaming session I started my Sophomore year where a bunch of us try to play games for 24 Hours straight. Of course, we get to break for food and such. I've also been pushing a board game component so that we don't sit in front of computers fragging all day. I'm also in charge of providing beverages, so here's a lovely picture of my room, taken over by the 2 and 3-Liter bottles.

In Robotics we finally got our Chiara robots moving. W00t! Here's a picture of it going towards a landmark. We now have vision implemented and a basic finite state machine.

There are actually robots we got from Carnegie Mellon, the home of several robots. Unfortunately, this robot is still in development so we've been having fun poking around at low level C++ code to get things working.
Two weekends ago was Family Weekend. I gave a tour of the Engineering department. There were five tours and we wanted to partner up, but we had an odd number of tourguides and I'm an experienced one so I went solo. Pictures at the link
Well, that's it for now. Back to working on Clinic.
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